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Convert Partnership Firm to Limited Liability Partnership

Rs. 7999 + Govt. fees on Actuals (may vary from city to city)

Partnership Firm can be converted into Limited Liability Partnership. Unregistered partnerships cannot be converted into LLP. Name of the LLP ends with either ‘Limited Liability Partnership’ or ‘LLP’.

Convert Private Ltd. to Public Ltd

Rs. 12999 + Govt. fees on Actuals (may vary from city to city)

Private Limited Company can be converted to public limited as per Companies Act, 2013 regulations and conditions which needs to be met before the company conversion can be carried out. Public company is the only corporate form which enjoys inflow of public investments by issue of shares to general public.

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Convert Proprietorship to Private Limited

Rs. 9999 + Govt. fees on Actuals (may vary from city to city)

A sole proprietorship can be converted into a Private Limited Company. Many a time’s businesses are started as a sole proprietorship because of less compliance but with the growth of business there is a requirement to convert it into a more organized form.

Convert One Person Company to Private Limited Company

Rs. 8999 + Govt. fees on Actuals (may vary from city to city)

There are two ways of conversion:
Voluntary conversion After two years from the date of incorporation, an OPC can convert itself into a Private or Public company.
Compulsory Conversion When the paid-up capital exceeds Rs. 50 lakhs or, the Annual turnover for the relevant financial year exceeds Rs. 2 crores, then in such cases, the company has to compulsorily convert itself into Private Limited Company or Public Limited Company.